Sunday, August 10, 2008

STR1 Grades

Rubidium, Sodium and Strontium - your grades for the first quarter are finished (but are not yet final final final). I said I would post it today but something happened to my internet connection (and it gave me time to recheck my calculations)

Before I post your grades (still deciding if I will write your name down), here are some statistics:
  • No one got a 1.00
  • The highest rounded-off percentage grade is 95
  • There are 12 students in three sections who got a 1.25
  • There are four who failed, with one of them getting a 5.0 because of non-submission of requirements
  • Sodium has the best per section average of 1.833, followed by Rubidium with 1.848 and Strontium with 1.917. However, Strontium has the most number of 1.25's.
I have yet to post the scores due to certain circumstances, but for sure I will give you your unofficial 100% tally if you request for it personally on Monday.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Electron: Read this

Before you begin any of your project activities, you have to submit/comply/have with the following requirements...
  1. Final Proposal
  2. Network Chart and Task List. I will use this to track your milestones and see if your on track with the deadlines you yourselves set.
  3. Research forms (get your copy from OJ) and research plan. Required forms are the checklist and forms 1, 1a & 1b. Fill out other forms as needed depending on the nature of your project. Please have these signed by your parent/guardian.
  4. Data notebook. Please prepare a lab notebook (Record notebook in National) with a BLACK cover.
  5. Lab gown. REQUIRED for all wet lab work
  6. A copy of the Laboratory Rules and Policies from the STR unit. I will hand this to you this week.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Welcome to the Second Quarter

For Na, Rb and Sr: I'll be releasing your complete grades this week. I just have to finish checking all your portfolios. By the way, there will be some changes to our submission scheme beginning this quarter.

For my STR2 classes: Please remember our post-quarter deadlines...

For my homeroom, Electron: Welcome to the begining of HELL. Joke.
For Truth: It has been my pleasure teaching you for the first quarter. I hope [some of] you lose the attitude/discipline problem. Don't give your teacher a hard time okay?