Sunday, December 21, 2008

Announcements for the Christmas Break

  1. [STR2 Electron] Submit your final paper with results, discussion, conclusions and recommendations not later than 23:59 December 21, 2008 (+8:00 GMT). Later papers will be deducted 5 points per day late. Follow the format found here >>
  2. [STR2 Electron] Interested parties for TAIWAN are enjoined to submit a short (less than 20 slides) and portable (small) Powerpoint presentation together with your final paper by Sunday, December 28, 2008. Indicate what results you have accomplished and what is still to be done. You may also be asked to go to school on December 29, 2008. MAYBE.
  3. [STR1K] Submit your final proposal not later than 20:00 December 26, 2008 (+8:00 GMT) using the email address with the subject line SECTION - Group Color - Final Proposal (example:  Strontium - Red - Final Proposal). Make sure to SPELL OUT YOUR SECTION COMPLETELY. If you do not follow these guidelines, your email will be deleted.
    Follow the format found here for your proposal >>
  4. [STR1K] Bonus Assignment will be posted here and emailed by Google Groups on December 26, 2008 after your submission. 
If you have any questions, please use the Google Groups facility to field your query. Moreover, if your PLURK, ask it there

1 comment:

  1. sir. question. did you delete my email? i was able to read your guidelines just now e. if you did, can i resubmit ?

    -vinz, na18
