Saturday, January 24, 2009

YMSAT Poster

Just to clarify things since I've been hearing some wrong information regarding the THIRD YEAR STR1 POSTER...
  1. Poster size is half of a full cartolina. I do not want to give you the specific dimensions as it would be better if you do not spend on printing and use a perfectly fine piece of cartolina. By the way, you may present it in portrait or in landscape as long as it is half the size of a cartolina.
  2. I am requiring only 3 things in your poster: title, objectives and a flowchart of your methodology. You can insert other information such as your background of study and significance but this is not required. I also suggest that you decorate your poster with pictures to make it more attractive.
  3. Poster judging will be on the afternoon of Tuesday next week. You may be required to be there after your other activity in the afternoon. Top 3 groups per section will be called for a brief Q & A by the judges so BE ON STANDBY Tuesday after Bio games.


    §  CONTENT                                                                                      10 pts

    o    Clarity of the Title (1 pt)

    o    Background & Real Life Problem (2 pts)

    o    Main and Minor Objectives (3 pts)

    o    Significance of the Study (2 pts)

    o    Methodology Flowchart (2 pts)


    o    Use of appropriate words (2 pts)

    o    Conciseness and simplicity of text (3 pts)

    o    Readability of text (5 pts)

    §  ORGANIZATION OF ELEMENTS                                                       5 pts

    o    Organized Flow of information (3 pts)

    o    Overall coherence of content (2 pts)

    §  OVERALL IMPACT / APPEARANCE                                                 5 pts

    o    Color scheme (2 pts)

    o    Use of visual objects (3 pts)

  4. Oral presentations of selected STR1 projects will be on Wednesday morning. All 3rd year students are required to attend this at the gym. Be prepared with a short 5 minute Powerpoint presentation explaining your project and what you hope to achieve in case you are selected. You will only know if you are going to speak on the day itself.

Good luck! Any question? Please comment on this post or email at the usual address.

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